Bash Your Way to Automation: A Guide to Mastering Bash Scripting


6 min read

Bash Your Way to Automation: A Guide to Mastering Bash Scripting

Time to Bash it up...

If you're looking to become a hacker, a cloud engineer, or pretty much anything in IT, learning Bash scripting is an essential skill. It grants you the power to automate tasks, whether it's hacking networks or creating virtual machines, ultimately making you a better nerd. And if you're able to master it, well, let's just say you'll become the supreme overlord of the command line. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, What is Bash Scripting? ... Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks on your computer. At its core, Bash scripting allows you to write programs that run in the terminal, enabling you to perform complex operations with just a few keystrokes.
The syntax of Bash scripts is based on a combination of standard Unix commands and programming constructs like variables, loops, and conditional statements. If you have experience in either of these areas, learning Bash scripting will be a breeze. With Bash, you can easily automate tasks such as file management, system administration, and even the exciting world of web scraping. (Web scraping does sound cool, doesn't it?)

So, let's dig right in and start bashing! โŒจ๏ธ

Checking if we're in the Bash Shell: To confirm whether we are currently in the Bash shell, let's open the terminal and perform a quick check. But how do we know for sure?

Simply type the following command in the terminal:

which $SHELL

This command will display the path to the shell you are currently using. If it shows /bin/bash, congratulations! You're already rocking the Bash shell.

Now that we've confirmed our Bash supremacy, let's unleash the full potential of Bash scripting! ๐Ÿ’ช

Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks in the command line. At its core, Bash scripting involves creating scripts that can be executed in the terminal to perform a series of actions. One of the most basic concepts in Bash scripting is variables, which allow you to store and manipulate data. For example, you could create a variable called 'name' and assign it a value like 'John'. You could then use that variable in your script to print out a personalized message.

But that's not all. The sorcery of Bash scripting extends to the realm of loops, where you command the script to repeat its incantations, echoing your desires multiple times over. Imagine a loop that gracefully recites the numbers from 1 to 10, echoing their melodic progression throughout the command line. Each iteration, a step closer to scripting nirvana.

Yet, no tale of command line mastery is complete without the mention of conditional statements, These constructs allow you to shape the flow of your script, the possibilities are endless. With a keen mind, a touch of creativity, and a pinch of curiosity, you hold the keys to unlock the full potential

Grab your keyboard

So grab your keyboard, and let's write our first script, a masterpiece that is both easy to understand and incredibly useful in real-life scenarios. Behold, the Monitoring Script!

# This is a basic monitoring script that displays important information every 5 minutes

while true; do
  # Display the current date and time
  echo "Current Date and Time: $(date)"

  # Display system load average
  echo "System Load Average: $(uptime | awk '{print $10, $11, $12}')"

  # Display memory usage
  echo "Memory Usage: $(free -h | awk '/Mem/{print $3 "/" $2 " used"}')"

  # Display CPU usage
  echo "CPU Usage: $(top -bn 1 | grep '%Cpu' | awk '{print $2}')"

  # Display disk usage
  echo "Disk Usage: $(df -h | awk '$NF=="/"{printf "%s/%s used", $3, $2}')"

  # Wait for 5 minutes before displaying the next set of information
  sleep 300

Congratulations! You've just embarked on your scripting journey with a script that will monitor and present important information at regular intervals. With every run, it gracefully displays the current date and time, allowing you to stay in sync with the flow of time. It unveils the system load average, offering a glimpse into the resource utilization of your machine. It reveals memory usage, ensuring you're always aware of your system's memory footprint. It even divulges CPU usage, shedding light on the computational vigor of your beloved processor. Lastly, it presents disk usage, enlightening you about the precious space occupied by your storage medium.

But wait, there's more! This script is designed to run continuously, thanks to its infinite while loop. Every 5 minutes, like clockwork, it refreshes the displayed information imagine the convenience, the peace of mind, and the sheer satisfaction of having a personal monitoring assistant at your fingertips.

Best Practices for Bash Scripting

One of the most important things to keep in mind when writing Bash scripts is to ensure they are efficient and maintainable. This means using clear and concise code, avoiding unnecessary complexity, and commenting your code properly.

we'll explore some best practices that will elevate your scripting skills to new heights.

  • Reusability: Write modular code with functions that can be reused across multiple scripts for efficiency and consistency.

  • Enable Debugging: To enable debugging mode, use the 'set -x' command. This setting displays each executed command along with its output, making it easier to identify and fix issues during script development.

  • Enable Strict Mode: Enable strict mode by setting 'set -e' in your script. This setting ensures that the script exits immediately if any command fails. It helps catch errors early, preventing further unexpected behavior.

  • Use Error Handling: Utilize 'set -o errexit' or 'set -e' to exit on error, 'set -o nounset' or 'set -u' to treat unset variables as errors, and 'set -o pipefail' to consider the last non-zero exit code in a pipeline as an error.

  • Validate User Input: When accepting user input, validate and sanitize it to prevent unexpected behavior. Use conditional statements to check for valid input and handle errors gracefully.

  • Use Descriptive Variable Names: Choose meaningful and descriptive names for your variables. This promotes code readability and makes it easier for others (and future you).

  • Add Comments: Document your code with comments to explain its purpose, logic, and any intricate details.

  • Version Control Your Scripts: Use a version control system like Git to track changes and collaborate with others. This ensures easy rollback, better collaboration, and a history of your script's development.

That's a wrap for now...

That's all for now! I hope this sneak peek into the world of scripting has ignited your curiosity and inspired you to dive deeper into this fascinating realm. Remember, scripting is a journey of continuous learning and exploration.

To fuel your scripting adventures, I've attached some valuable resources and cheat sheets for your further learning. These gems will serve as your trusty companions, providing guidance and support along the way.


Watching videos, reading blogs, and collecting resources may ignite the spark, but true mastery of scripting can only be attained by weaving your own scripts with your very own hands. It's in the act of writing, experimenting, and facing the challenges head-on that you unlock the true power of scripting. So, don't just be a spectator, be a creator. - Prajwal Deshpande
